Monday, December 21, 2009

Can not washing dishes with dish soap make you sick?

I ask because my stupid brother never washes his dishes with soap and he doesn't care if I get sick or not. Yes he is an A**.

thanksCan not washing dishes with dish soap make you sick?
Your brother is an angry, defiant and lazy man! He needs to grow up and deal with his issues.

Personally, I'd volunteer to do ALL the dishes. That way, I'd know for sure they're clean. Bacteria and germs grow very quickly in moist, warm conditions (like inside a cabinet).Can not washing dishes with dish soap make you sick?
yeah, that's nasty. I can only assume your bro is single.
do you really need to ask that... yes you will get sick.
Yes!!! use detergent or shampoo if you have to.
How old is your brother, he may just need direction.

I am not sure if you would get sick but you certainly have the chance of it. Hot water and soap are the best way to kill bacteria and germs.

Ask your parent to intervene.
Soap cuts grease and it has clorox are right ...go girl

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