Monday, December 21, 2009

Why do women whine about washing dishes and doing laundry?

Why do women whine about washing dishes and doing laundry even though men are the ones who mow lawns, take out the trash, and fix things?Why do women whine about washing dishes and doing laundry?
because most men have fun out in the yard riding around the mower or chatting with the neighbor as he pushes the hand-held one. Fixing things is fun too, and as for taking out the trash that really ';takes'; only about two minutes!

Dishes are mind numbingly repetitive makes your hands dry and takes ages, as for laundry you can spend hours drying, ironing, folding, sorting and it's hardly engaging.

Men get the fun jobs thats why it's more fair to share household chores, my fiance and i take turns doing dishes, laundry, and cleaning, we fix things together which is good because men and women look at things different he does the hands on work and i think our way out of the problem i.e what screw will fit in to be the right size, what tool will make the job faster etc . . . if you start doing things together you will not only have more time with her but she will be a happier lady!Why do women whine about washing dishes and doing laundry?
Well first of all, we live in a modern society, and men don't ';have'; to do certain things, and women don't ';have to do certain things either. Sorry, but you really shouldn't generalize. My husband's in the Army, and I take care of things 100% on the home front. Cooking, cleaning, housework. Mowing the law, taking out the trash, shoveling snow, cleaning gutters, everything! Me, I enjoy cooking, cleaning, housework, etc. I enjoy it, and I don't mind doing it at all. My husband likes outdoor work when he's home. Anyway, sorry but, mowing lawns is cake. If you've got a riding mower, you just sit there. If you don't, it's still no biggie because it doesn't need done as often as cooking, cleaning, laundry, and housework. And taking out the trash? Wow, that's like a whole 15 seconds! As for fixing things, I know plenty of men who couldn't fix things worth a darn. It all depends on the people, so don't generalize. I never complain about chores, neither does my husband, and we always compromise on them.
I whine because my husband doesn't put his dirty dishes in the kitchen, doesn't put his dirty clothes in the hamper, doesn't mow the lawn, doesn't usually take out the trash, and doesn't fix things. I'm the one who changes lightbulbs, gets the spiders out of the tub, unclogs the drains, puts together furniture, does all the cooking, buys the groceries, carries most of the groceries up three flights of stairs, and puts the groceries away. I'm the one who hangs pictures, picks up my husband's Dew cans, empties the litter boxes, feeds the cats, gets the cats water, sweeps the house, vacuums, mops, and washes my husband's soap scum off the tub. I think I have a right to complain that he doesn't do anything.
its not always whining... sometimes it is the fact that few men appreciate those things... no woman expects her feet to be kissed for doing a load of whites but it is nice to just hear something every once in a while about how nice the house looks etc... most wives i know that complain about chores do so bc they go un-noticed... this can especially be true for women who do not have careers bc they may feel they aren't contributing enough just with kids and housework... i'm not saying this is always the case but in mosdt cases women just need to know that they are both needed ad appreciated... then they wouldn't have anything to complain about
We dont whine! %26gt;;[ Well sometimes we do. Its because we have to do that all the time why dont you guys switch it up. Sometimes she can take out the trash and fix things while you wash the dishes. I would rather go fix things then wash the dishes. Its so fun! I think men have the fun part. Well except mowing the lawn. But building things are always fun.
Women whine because they don't feel appreciated for doing those things. Men could certainly do the same. So the real question is why don't men complain? I think some do complain, some don't do those things at all and some are just happy to have something to do. And I think its the same when it comes to women.
I know its kinda wierd! And im a girl! lol

but i think (who ever you might be talking about) feels a bit unappreciated or unspecial maybe who ever your talking about has to work too and do the shopping and take care of the kids but other then that To get her to stop whining maybe say thankyou after she does somthing like that or help her out or just take her out to dinner

a little goes a long way! :D

well good luck! (srry if its not the best answer)

and ROCK ON!!! \m/
hm. i mow the lawn, take out the trash and fix things. i hate doing the laundry and dishes. they have to be done every day. the same thing over an over. you can't just do it and be done at one time but have to wait for an hour between starting and finishing the job at least.
we moan about things becuase it feels like we constantly do them !!! how often do have have to mo the lawn and take out the trash? once a week!?

in my house laudry and dishes are done on a daily basis thats why ! lol then again us women will be perfectionist as i personally h8 waking up to a dirty kitchen !!! lol
We only complain when the lawn doesn't get mowed, the trash piles up, and the things we ask you to fix don't get fixed. Either way, there should be equality in the house and men shouldn't shy away from washing dishes and doing laundry.
I dont wash dishes or do laundry. I have ppl who do that for me. N Id' expect my hubby to be able to maintain my lifestyle, too, afetr wedding.
I don't whine and I wash dishes, do laundry, mow the lawn, work the garden, take out the trash AND fix things!

I guess I actually love what I do..... :)
Why don't you try it and find out? A real man shouldn't care what the job is, and should help out equally with the house work.
I'm not sure but you could change the order of that and see if it works for your mariage better. Or do them all together, we do.
because we're smart and it's a waste of brain power.

demproject: i'm sorry this intimidated and confused you so much. try not to lose any hair over it. lol
When I was single I had to do that stuff and I hated it! So when my wife complains about it I just agree with her and never rush her. Other wise she would rush me to do my chores around the house =P
At my house we both can wash dishes, do laundry, fix things, mow the grass and take out the trash. There is not any whining.
Because men cant acknowledge the dirty house themselves and have to be told to do things in order to get the jobs done.
They only whine if the man doesn't mow the lawn, take out the trash, fix things.
Same reason men whine about mowing the lawns, taking out the trash and fixing things.
TO LIN: So coz ur smart its a waste of brainpower to wash dishes?

to the poster: women will whine till kingdom com.If ur doing ur part let her know the whinning is irritatn u.
To annoy men
funny but i do not whine about it as long as my husband do his part.
are you saying you actually listen to it? :)
why dont u do it and find out how is it?
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