Do you call your man or do you deal with the rat on your own?Ladies if you are washing dishes and a huge rat comes out dragging a rattrap because it didnt quite kill him?
why the cat will finish it off, oh wait that is the rat trap and she was playing with it first, cats will be cats...... then take it from the cat and bury it or did I just throw it out.... can't remember it was not that big a deal
;) only happened once about 10 years ago and the cat was dragging the rat...... and we have moved twice since and I have 2 dishwashers now, my children and a MaytagLadies if you are washing dishes and a huge rat comes out dragging a rattrap because it didnt quite kill him?
call the SWAT team. Hahaha. I'd just stare than get my hoe, as in gardening tool, and BAM!
ROFL, let the rat go! or take it to the vet!
I would be horrified that someone had done such a cruel thing to a defencless animal. I'd be abolsultely digusted. I'd hit it over the head with something heavy to put it out of it's misery. If a neighbour had done it I'd have a strong word with them, afterall not only is it cruel but it could hurt a pet.
I have had pet fancy rats for years, they are wonderful intelligent, clean and loving creatures.
Althought htis wouldn't happen, I don't do dishes.
Oh Hennifer, just because you would faint, he was asking ladies!
Stomp! him, remove the trap, toss him in the stew, just like Mom taught me.
kill the dayum thing myself, then move you've got a problem as those things hang around filth
Of course, you are fishing for a certain type of answer because it's probably your belief that a woman would just scream and demand that the man take care of the problem.
However, I'm pretty sure I can dispatch of a rat stuck in a trap quite efficiently. Yes, it would be gross, but I would try and make it as humane as possible. But I don't use those kind of traps, so it's not likely that I would ever be faced with that situation.
Have a nice day!
Shriek first, kill later.
I don't want to imagine a rat which can drag a rattrap that couldn't kill it. Scary.
I would capture him in a box and rush him to the vet. Rats are cute.
We've had field mice in the house. I generally corner the little guys, put them in an old peanut butter jar with holes I drilled in the cap, and then hike out a few miles in the nearby park and set them free with a bit of food to tide them over.
Used to play ice hockey and still have a couple sticks in the closet ...
.... so I would grab one and then think to myself, ';Wrist shot or slapper?';
sorry i wouldn't live anywhere it's rat infested !!!!!
Call my husband immediately!
I grab the rat and save it to throw on you.
I only set ';Have a Heart'; traps because I like mice and rats. Sorry to burst your bubble.
I'd call a man to take care of it. If no one was around I'd shoo it out with a broom and faint!
Stomp the rat's head. That will kill it the quickest.
Um. I had this happen last year....the mouse only caught its foot in the trap and it was very much alive. I made the mistake of looking into those beady little eyes and I just couldn't bear to kill it. And since hubs was at work....LOL.....I actually phoned my dad to come and step on it for me! He lives a couple blocks away so he could come and help me. I just don't like killing animals....I can't do it.
I rarely wash the dishs lol! Id put gloves on and put him in the backyard and it will run off himself.
give me a broom and stand back!!!!
I would wonder who the hell left a rat trap in my house when I have a perfectly good cat. I would kill it and let my cat have at it. No need to call my boyfriend that lives an hour away to do something I am more than capable of doing myself.
In answering your question - One kills the RAT oneself.
I pick the rat up by the tail, open the front door, and throw it away 鈥?by myself.
Rats don't bother me. Neither do spiders. If there is a spider in our house, I'm the one who always gets called on to get rid of it. I will pick them up with my bare hands if I know they are not venomous.
I would probably call the super and leave! LOL
sell the house!
especially if there has been a spider problem.
Just finish him off; get it done quick and easy.
They'd froze in terror.
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