Monday, December 21, 2009

Solve an argument I am having with my wife about washing dishes in the dishwasher.?

I empty any table scraps and then put the un-rinsed dishes directly into the dish washer whereas she thoroughly rinses the dishes before putting them in the dish washer. I say that the pre-rinsing is a waste of water and energy.

Who is right?Solve an argument I am having with my wife about washing dishes in the dishwasher.?
Sometimes it is personal preference. Most new dishwashers allow you to put the dishes in without rinsing them first. I am the only one who loads our dishwasher, because my wife does not load the dishes correctly and they don't get clean. If you don't try to overload it and load them so that the spray hits the dirty part they almost always come clean. I agree with you, if I have to rinse them first then I may as well go ahead and wash them myself.Solve an argument I am having with my wife about washing dishes in the dishwasher.?
It not only depends on the dishwasher you are using, but on long the dishes have been sitting around. Some dishwashers need to have the food rinsed off of the dishes because they are not strong enough to thoroughly clean them. This is not true for all dishwashers, though. If you ate a sandwich on a plate and there are only a few crumbs and tomato seeds left, then you can just go right ahead and put it in the dishwasher. But if you made lasagna, then you most definitely need to rinse the dish that you made it in before putting it in the dishwasher, because by the time the dishwasher is actually full and you start it, the dish in which the lasagna was made in will be dry and the food will be stuck to it. Nothing will be able to get it off other than some good scrubbing with soap and warm water. So all in all, I'd say both of you are right. Some dishes need to be rinsed, while others don't.
Pre-rinsing is not necessary UNLESS your dishwasher does NOT have a built in disposal in the bottom. If it doesn't it is best to pre-rinse as although you say you are getting the scraps off the table, over time even tiny bits of food are going to clog your machine and you are also getting food particles moving around in the water. Also best to pre-rinse if you are not going to wash them right away. Most all dishwashers made in the last 5 years have a built in disposal unless it is a very inexpensive and very basic model. We have the GE Profile and the book says pre-rinsing is not necessary and that it's even ok to put moderate particles of food in, but it is the top of the line Profile. Of course, I am like your wife and I want all food off before I put them in the dishwasher. I rinse them all other than beverage glasses with the sprayer on my sink and very hot water first. So, it's hard to say who is right without knowing if you have a built in disposal in your dishwasher. Bottom line? It's really not worth either of you arguing about. See what your manual says. If you don't still have it, odds are you can go to the mfrs site and enter the model number found on the door or just inside it and download the manual in PDF format. THEN, don't read it, just print it, then the two of you turn this into a FUN bet on who is right based on what the manual says. Life is too short to argue over little stuff so turn it into a fun disagreement. ;)
I was only just watching on tv the other day on how to tidy your house up quickly etc and they said that many people waste time and money on rinsing their dishes, its not required and dishwasher are made to clean the tough stuff off. Even the dishwasher ad's they have show us the filthy dishes before they go into the dishwasher. Get her to try a load without rinsing them and see if they come our clean.
i'm not sure. i've never used a dishwasher myself but everytime i've ever put the dishes i've rinsed them quickly before. so i agree you should rinse then but you don't have to wash them then put them in the dishwasher to be re-washed. that makes no sense.
lmfao.. it's your plumbing and dish washer.. how you plug it up and damage it is really up to you.

lmfao... must be your first dishwasher... you'll soon learn about how those things really work after some trial and error.

i feel bad for your ol' lady.
I've never seen a dish-washing machine really clean dishes well when there are still food particles on them. In fact, I won't use them under most circumstances because rinsing takes nearly as long as hand-washing as it is, so I might as well go ahead and wash them.
You are both correct. Newer models of dishwashers care capable of washing dishes that are not pre-rinsed. However, older models just puree the food and fling it on everything else in there.
Rinse your dishes before loading them into your washer, regardless of the kind of dishwasher you have. You will get better results by rinsing first.
It depends on your dishwasher. Many cannot handle dishes that are not rinsed. Some can.
if you don't rinse off everything beforehand all of that will stick to your other dishes. she is right and you are lazy =) lol, men!
The one that has to pay the water bill is the one that's right.
there's only me and my wife , so it may be days before we run it we rinse...if the kids are home and dishes will be washed right away , i see no need to rinse , just scrape well...
I dont rinse mine. I just knock all of the big stuff off into the trash. Your right.
my opinion is rinse then dishwasher thats what our family does

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